About your safety in the skies
we care on the land

Хочу работать в АО "Шереметьево Безопасность"

Emergency phone contacts


Local Authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Sheremetyevo: (+7 495) 578-22-55

Local police department Terminal D: (+7 495) 231-47-55

First Aid Posts

Terminal B: (+7 495) 578-74-54

Terminal C: (+7 495) 578-47-12

Terminal F: (+7 495) 578-78-38

Passengers service

Mother-and-child rooms

Terminals B, C, E, F: (+7 495) 578-35-78

Baggage rooms

Terminal B: (+7 495) 578-23-91

Terminal F: (+7 495) 578-83-46

Unclaimed luggage room in the Terminal B: (+7 495) 578-23-26

Unclaimed luggage room in the Terminal F: (+7 495) 578-74-64

Lost baggage

Lost baggage search office in the Terminals B and C: (+7 495) 578-65-65, add 201 in tone dial

Lost baggage search in the Terminal F: (+7 495) 578-65-65, add 202 in tone dial

Federal Security Service

Duty office of the Federal Security Service in Sheremetyevo: (+7 495) 578-57-18

Border control service

Detached inspection border control post of Sheremetyevo: (+7 495) 578-26-31 ; Hot line: (+7 495) 578-90-90

Federal migration service

Terminals B, C: (+7 495) 578-07-51

Terminals D, E, F: (+7 495) 578-19-11


Duty officer in the Terminal B: (+7 495) 578-21-37

Duty officer in the Terminal C: (+7 495) 578-98-98, 578-98-97

Duty officer in the Terminal F: (+7 495) 578-05-34

Veterinary control

Terminals B, C: (+7 495) 578-62-44,(+7 905) 590-63-16

Terminal D: (+7 495) 995-13-40 additional 0-2470, (+7 925) 082-07-62

Terminal F: (+7 495) 578-76-53

Sanitary control

Terminals B, C: (+7 495) 578-57-21

Terminals D, E, F: (+7 495) 578-56-45, 578-56-75

Aviation services

Aviation security management

Duty officer in the Terminal F: (+7 495) 578-81-30

Duty deputy director: (+7 495) 578-17-41